DUI Evaluations
DUI and Behavioral Health Counseling Services provides DUI evaluations, Secretary of State evaluations and updates, anger management and mental health evaluations. We also provide court, jail and off-site evaluations.
When someone is arrested in Illinois for a DUI, the Court will most likely order an alcohol and drug evaluation. This evaluation will determine the extent of the defendant’s substance use and his or her consequent risk to the public. It will also determine what kind of educational and counseling programs will be required. This evaluation must be done before any kind of driving permit can be issued.
What to bring for your evaluation:
- Notice of Summary Suspension from the officer
- Driving record from DMV
- Anything you think might be relevant
We will provide court, jail and off-site evaluations.

DUI Counseling
DUI & Behavioral Health Counseling Services will ensure you receive the counseling you need and help you get your driver’s license reinstated. We provide risk education, outpatient substance abuse treatment, aftercare, anger and mental health counseling.
Our group meetings are conveniently scheduled both during the day and evening hours. We also offer Saturday sessions.
Ron Partch, MS, has over 25 years of counseling experience. He is licensed by the state of Illinois as a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor. Ron is a graduate of Northern Illinois University and holds numerous degrees.

Related Services
- Written verification for any service provided
- Public speaking and presentations in your community
- We will make referrals to other services as needed

What is Behavioral/Mental Health Counseling?
Mental health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” Your mental health encompasses a number of factors, such as your biology, your psychological condition, and your habits. Your behavioral health, on the other hand, examines how your habits impact your overall physical and mental well-being.
Assisting individuals, families, and groups with diverse needs through challenges in their life journeys. Our counselors take a developmental perspective and know that people grow and change throughout their lives. We understand principles of human development, psychology, mental health and change theories, and can establish effective helping relationships with people from diverse cultures. We are highly skilled in the assessment of people and situation, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, and in the application of cognitive, affective, behavioral and systemic strategies to facilitate change
Help the client create change: setting personal goals or making system-wide changes. As helpers, counselors are respectful and responsive to the client and offer a safe place for people to share their experiences and to explore ways to cope. Counselors are skilled in implementing therapeutic interventions designed to help clients challenged by a range of circumstances, including trauma, depression, anxiety, stress, unanticipated life events, interpersonal discord, social injustice, co-occurring disorders, worksite disruption, and career issues.

Counseling provides guidance to help people navigate life’s challenges. Professional counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals. Our counselors work with clients on strategies to overcome obstacles and personal challenges that they are facing.
Types of Counseling
Individual Counseling
Individual counseling is a personal opportunity to receive support and experience growth during challenging times in life. Individual counseling can help one deal with many personal topics in life such as anger, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, marriage and relationship challenges, parenting problems, school difficulties, career changes, etc.
Group Counseling
Group counseling allows one to find out that they are not alone in their type of life challenge. To be involved in a group of peers who are in a similar place not only increases one’s understanding of the struggles around the topic but also the variety of the possible solutions available. Typically, groups have up to 15 participants, one or two group leaders, and revolve around common topics like anger management, self-esteem, divorce, and domestic violence, recovery from abuse and trauma, and substance abuse and recovery.

Behavioral Health
What Is Anger Managment?
There is nothing wrong with feeling angry. It’s normal, natural and sometimes necessary. Anger is an adaptive emotional response to experiences of hurt, injustice, fear, and frustration. Anger often inspires a powerful physical response in the body, such as adrenaline, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and fast breathing. This physical response can lead to aggressive behavior, which allows u to defend ourselves if attacked. Feeling anger is not the problem; it’s what we do with that volatile emotion that can lead to problems.
Anger, if not handled well, will become destructive at work, in relationships, and affect your overall well-being. Some indicators that you may need to consider an anger counseling course or group anger management therapy sessions include:
Below are tips that may help you manage your anger:
- Feeling like you constantly have to “hold in” or repress your anger.
- Frequent arguing with your spouse, children or co-workers.
- Trouble with the law or reckless disregard for rules.
- Physical violence, such as hitting, loud shouting, door slamming, etc.
- Threats of violence against people or property.
- Out-of-control behavior, such as breaking things or reckless driving.

Anger Management Counseling Sessions and Group Classes
Out-of-control anger leads to a pattern of negative behavior that can hurt relationships, career, even mental and physical health. Anger management classes help unlearn these negative responses to anger and help you regain control. An anger management counselor can help you recognize early signs of anger, and teach you to take the necessary steps to relax and deal with the situation in a positive way. Through discussion, training, and behavior modification techniques, a highly angry person can begin to see results, moving closer to mid-range anger, in 5 – 8 weeks.
Anger management courses don’t try to keep you from feeling anger but enables individuals on how to express anger in a healthy way. Managing anger is a learned behavior, requiring practice and resilience. Group anger management sessions allow you to see others coping with similar challenges and hear their personal stories of failures and successes. Generally, anger counseling classes focus on learning specific skills and ways of thinking to cope with anger.
Below are tips that may help you manage your anger:
- Be anger aware
- Think before you speak
- Exercise
- Practice relaxation skills
- Identify possible solutions
- Communicate effectively
- Use humor to release tension
- Take a break
- Change your environment
- Know when to seek help
Find help with anger management: if you or someone you know struggles with anger issues, it is important to know there is help available. Take the first step and call today!